Korin Gafe Taniguchi Komyo Tanaka Jihei Published in 1891 明治24 12original woodblock prints
in color. ¥165.000
投稿者: artbooksyamazaki
「Japan」Land of the KIMONO
A4版100ページ カラー図版77点 本文1,000点のきものノ専門カタログです。
As it is generally Known, There has been the famous publisher in Kyoto since the Edo period.
In the middle of Meiji, “Nihon Bukkyo Shinbi Kyokai (日本仏教真美協会)” which is predecessor of “Shinbi Shoin(審美書院)” was established near Nanzenji-temple and ”Honda-Unkindo(本田雲錦堂)” which is predecessor of “Unso-do(芸艸堂)” was also established. At the same time, because of the artists for wood-block prints lived in kyoto, many art books was published. Moreover, the catalogues of patterns of Kimono had published through the government entering the world exposition and the national industrial exhibition. Therefore, the designers of patterns came in touch with art books and that is why various of Kimono was created.
We run the books and materials which shows the history of kimono or clothes with our lives in this book.
Please check them and if you find the one attract your attention, it would give us great pleasure. January, 2020. Yamazaki Sumio (Art Books Yamazaki)
武田泰淳作 芹沢圭介自選挿絵集五十図 限定180部 昭和42年 漆箱入 極美本 sold
景年花鳥画譜 秋 Keine kacho gafi
今尾景年 明治25年芸艸堂刊行 極美本 sold
非水百華譜 彩色木版摺全100枚揃い 一枚つなぎ補修有 目次索引コピー付 sold
うないの友 全10冊
うないの友 全10冊 芸艸堂 明治24年 (1891)
Unai no Tomo Shimizu, Seifu
Complete 10 vols set. Japanese folk toy collection. Woodblock printed in color. printed 1891. sold
篁子生画選 土屋楽山
Tuchiya Rakuzan wood cut print complete 36seet Please ask the price.
楽山花鳥図 全36枚 価格はお尋ねください。sold
彩色木版画 Commercial art in the Meiji era
32×47cm Dragon is about to fly up now.
山岡陳平 Yamaoka Chinpei 34×57cm
八寶堂 50PL WOOD CUT PRINT 165,000en
いせ辰四世 広瀬辰五郎、丸ノ内出版、昭46、1箱2冊